They say April showers bring May flowers, but they may also bring damage to your home. You might be more prepared for the crazy thunderstorms common in the summer, but spring storms can take us by surprise. You’ll want to take any and all precautions to prevent flooding, siding damage, hail damage, and more. Spring is the perfect time to prepare for any bad storms that may be coming, especially in the summer.
Inspect your home after the snow melts. Is anything amiss? Does the foundation still look intact? Are the gutters clogged? Are there signs that a tree root has begun to grow into your pipes? Look for damage to the outside of your home and make any necessary repairs to the roof, windows, and siding to avoid further problems down the road.
Flooding is a common problem in the spring. You can avoid it by addressing the slope of your yard if it’s designed in such a way that it causes water to flow toward your home. Make sure you don’t have any cracks in your foundation or basement walls, and make sure your sump pump is functioning properly. Clean your gutters and your septic system, too. Trim trees to avoid loose limbs snapping off and flying into your home or falling on a power line.
Your home’s siding can suffer different kinds of damage during a spring thunderstorm depending on the material it’s made of. Aluminum siding can suffer dings and dents, and siding may come off during intense storms. Vinyl siding can suffer worse damage, such as cracks, chipping, breaking, and holes. You’ll want to inspect siding after a hailstorm. If you live in an area with a lot of intense storms, consider investing in a more durable siding option. If you have storm shutters, these may become damaged too. Otherwise, you may notice damage, such as shattered windows or broken panes. During intense storms, be sure to close blinds and keep your shades drawn in case of shattering windows. If you are worried about hail damage to your vehicles, you can even tie thick blankets over them.