As winter turns into spring, homeowners should be prepared for more rain and storm conditions. These conditions can cause storm water damage if you don’t take steps to prevent it. Luckily, we have some great tips for homeowners about storm damage prevention. Address Your Gutters and Siding You can often avoid the need for water and storm damage
Avoiding Ice Dams and the Importance of Using Roof Rakes
The winter season brings many weather-related challenges to homeowners. Ice dams are one of these issues. Read on to find out what you need to know about preventing ice damming and the importance of using roof rakes. What Are Ice Dams? An ice dam is a large collection of ice that forms on a roof’s edge. These ice masses commonly
Content Restoration Services for Business or Property Damage
Content restoration services offer several advantages for business and property owners. If your business was not at fault, you will experience faster cleanup with less disruption to customers and employees. Content restoration is also lower in cost than demolition with reconstruction (which can take weeks) and offers protection for future insurance coverage rates as well as potential tax deductions. As
Preparing for the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster or Fire
When a natural disaster strikes your home, it’s tough to understand the best course of action. Usually, the best outcomes are from homeowners who make preparations and have a plan of action in place. The aftermath of a flood, storm, or fire are best taken care of through careful planning. To help your household prepare for a natural disaster, follow
How to Identify Wind Damage on Your Home’s Roof
Seasonal weather can wreak havoc on a building. Storms that reach wind speeds of 45mph or higher will begin to strip shingles, break tree branches, and uproot debris. Whether you are looking to protect or replace the roof on your home, place of business, or other building, it’s important to know what to look for and how to identify
Protecting Your Home from Seasonal Storm Damage
It’s the time of year when people are spending more time outdoors. This is partly because the pandemic is beginning to lift and also because the weather promotes more outdoor activity. This time of year also invites some of the most severe storms. Hail, high winds, floods, even tornadoes hit during the warmer seasons. As a homeowner, it’s important to