The Importance of Content Restoration

An in-progress kitchen renovation. All of the cabinets and drawers lie without countertops. Some drawers are missing altogether.

According to National Centers for Environmental Information, natural disasters are occurring more often than ever before. When disasters like floods, tornados, and fires strike, they can damage buildings and other personal property. Property and personal effects damaged by severe weather may initially seem like a lost cause, but the situation may be salvageable. A competent content-cleaning company can restore and

Health Risks and Water Damage

Keeping up with building maintenance, whether it’s your home or business, helps maintain aesthetic value and preserve the building’s structural integrity. However, some aspects of upkeep deal less with the longevity and appeal of the building and more with keeping its residents safe from potential health risks.     Known to cause mold and mildew, water can be particularly damaging. To

The Role of Professional Restoration Services in Home Content Recovery

Damaged exterior of a home

After a natural disaster or other unfortunate event, most homeowners will do whatever they can to save their furniture, valuable items, and other contents of their homes. The cleanup process can be an overwhelming undertaking, and it’s often difficult to know where to begin to properly restore your belongings. Calling a professional restoration service to help with home content recovery

Sewer Drain Backups: Advice from the Experts

Man fixing sink and Royal Renovations logo

Dealing with a sewer drain backup is never a pleasant experience. It can cause extensive damage to your home, create unpleasant odors, and pose health risks to you and your family. However, by taking preventative measures and understanding how to handle a sewer drain backup, you can minimize the damage and keep your home safe.   In this comprehensive guide,

Home Fire Prevention: 6 Essential Tips

The results of a home fire with an orange banner and the Royal Renovations logo

Home fires are devastating, not only causing property damage but also threatening your family’s safety. To protect your house and family from life-altering fire damage, practice home fire safety with these tips from Royal Renovations.   6 Fire Prevention Tips for Homeowners  Clean Your Chimney Regularly  Keep your chimney clean to avoid potential fire hazards. Creosote buildup can occur over time,

Tips for Choosing a Home Renovation Contractor

Contractor and client shaking hands over a set of blueprints with the Royal Renovations logo in the lower right corner

Finding a reliable home renovation contractor can be complicated, especially if you want good availability and low upfront costs. There are plenty of things to consider during your search for the perfect contractor. From knowing what to ask to research your type of renovation, here are a few tips for finding the perfect home renovation contractor Residential Renovation Contractors: Red

What is Odor Control?

Young woman pinching nose, bad small concept

You deserve comfort in all aspects of your home—including its smell. No one should have to ignore lingering odors from mildew, mold, smoke, garbage cans, or accidents from furry friends. That’s where odor removal comes in. An odor control specialist will identify and remove the root cause of any odors existing in your home. Several of the services we offer

What is a Moisture Reading?

Woman taking a moisture reading on brick wall.

Water is life, but it can be disastrous if it gets into the wrong places—our homes, for instance. Water, however, always seems to seep into areas it is not supposed to be, which is why moisture readings can be so beneficial. As the name suggests, a moisture reading tells how wet an area is. Moisture readings are typically done in

Common Causes of Home Fires

House that has been through a fire.

It’s no secret that fire can devastate a house. In fact, the number of fire fatalities in Minnesota is climbing above the national average. Knowing the most common causes of house fires, as well as how to prevent them, are two of the simplest ways to improve your home’s fire readiness. Common Causes of Home Fires   Cooking Fires Cooking

How Often Should I Clean My Air Ducts at Home?

Hvac ductworks

With the wonders of modern ventilation comes the necessity of cleaning your aid ducts. Removing the dust and debris building up in your system helps preserve high air quality by reducing the number of particulates floating in the air. But how frequently should your air ducts get cleaned? What are the symptoms of a duct system that needs some care?