When an emergency hits your home, you don’t want to be stuck digging for instruction booklets or flipping through user manuals to try and figure out a solution. Especially when it comes to the utilities in your home, it’s a good idea to be prepared and confident as to the steps to take when something goes wrong. Let’s go
Repairing and Maintaining Outdoor Spigots as the Cold Weather Goes Away
As the weather starts to warm up, it is time to begin watering your outdoor plants and garden. However, springtime is also when people notice an issue with their outdoor faucets. Hopefully, last autumn you turned off the shutoff valve, capped spigots, and checked for leaks. If you took preventative measures, your outdoor spigots should be just fine this spring.
Preventing Ice Dams
Ahh, it’s that wonderful time of year when snow and ice is coating the ground. It’s a great time of year if you love ice fishing and snowmobiling, but it might not be so great if you have an old home with a leaky roof. In order to prevent your home (or business) from a winter disaster caused by an
Cleaning and Restoration Tips After Fire Damage
If you own a home or a business, odds are fires are on the lists of your biggest fears. Fire damage can cause colossal problems to a building. They can even cause continuing issues that last for years after the last flame went out. Cleaning up after a fire is about more than just replacing lost items and opening a
Odor Control After Fire, Flood, or Mold Damage
Cleaning up after a natural disaster is tough enough. Once you remove the damage and replace your belongings, you’ll have to worry about lingering odors. Removing odors is sometimes the toughest portion of the cleanup process. And the last thing you’ll want to do is replace the icky smoke or mildew scents with a chemical stink from cleaners or bleach.
Fire Pit Safety: Securely Installing and Enjoying Bonfires at Home
As spring turns into summer and certain travel restrictions are still in place, more people are enjoying spending their evenings in the yard relaxing by a fire. If you are considering installing a fire pit in your yard–permanent or portable–there are a few fire pit safety tips you should familiarize yourself with first. Preparing the Space A fire pit
DIY Home Improvements That Will Protect Your Home
Since the coronavirus outbreak, people have been taking the time to finally get to that ‘honey-do’ list of home remodeling projects and DIY home improvements. While some of these upgrades are a great use of any extra time you have at home, others actually cause damage to a home if not properly installed or maintained. After all, some projects are
Disinfecting Your Home or Business Against Coronavirus
At Royal Renovations, we like to say, “When disaster strikes, we strike back”. This year, however, has hit us all with a problem never before seen in our country. The Coronavirus has left us all wondering what we should do, how we should prepare, and how we are going to clean up afterward. Our company has heard a variation of
What’s that smell? Smells that indicate there’s a bigger problem
When it comes to maintaining your home, how your home smells is often neglected. As we live in our space, we become accustomed to the smells and odors that surround us. Here are a few lingering smells that could be tainted the air in your home and why you should get them looked at by a professional ASAP: Odors related
Signs of Hoarding in Loved Ones
Would you consider your loved one a pack rat? Trouble throwing away items, regardless of their value, is one of the telltale signs of hoarding. Hoarding can have serious consequences financially, physically, mentally and even emotionally. Hoarding negatively impacts an individual’s life by creating unlivable conditions due to the unnecessary clutter. Unfortunately, these problems are not usually addressed until disaster